Are the qualifications received at Romanian Medical Schools internationally recognised?

Are the qualifications received at Romanian Medical Schools internationally recognised? Will I be able to practice in my home country or in the US/Canada/UK?

The universities we work with in Romania are all registered with the Ministries of Health and Education in Romania. They are listed on the WHO directory of international medical schools and are on the ECFMG/FAIMER database ( ). Romania has the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), which is an independent organisation responsible for evaluating all Romanian universities. All the universities we work with have ARACIS approval and listing.

Yes, the Romanian universities we work with are recognised and accredited internationally.

See MD in Romania for a more indepth look at this question and here for information about the type of medical degree received in Romania

Visit the GMC website to find out more about how to practice in the UK after qualifying as a medical doctor from Romania:

For assistance with applying to a medical school in Romania, click here for a free assessment.