
The field of dentistry is undergoing rapid evolution as a result of technological and medical science advances. Studies are showing that many illnesses are related to to tooth and gum problems. Sickness is indeed in the head! The prospect for holistic dentists is phenomenal and that pathway begins with a degree in dentistry.

Mrs Chetty - South Africa

Thank you to Medical Student Advisors staff for all your assistance and guidance, without which we would have not managed to get my son into a european medical school

Dental Medicine – Cluj-Napoca Univerisity of Medicine
Dentistry: in English (50 Places) or in French (50 Places) Dental Medicine – a 6-year programme taught in Romanian, English and French. Graduates become dentists and have the right to practice in the field of general dentistry. (360 ECTS credits)…
Graduate Diploma
6 Years