Sofia Medical University

Bulgaria's capital city university markets itself strongly to international students via its outreach initiatives and well designed website. The Medical University of Sofia is part of the EU Erasmus program as well as the US Fullbright scholarship program. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry are offered to international students in English.

Plovdiv Medical University

There's a saying in Bulgaria. Bulgarians have two favourite places - their home town and Plovdiv! Plovdiv Medical University lead by a woman, has an ethos that shines out and embraces all of humanity as its own. Medical doctors coming out of Plovdiv will surely be great humanitarians.

MU Pleven – The Medical University of Pleven, Bulgaria

The Medical University of Pleven was started in 1974 and also contains 2044 students currently, with the professors including 60 to 300 teachers and assistant teachers. The institution’s library was established in 1974 as well as boasts an outstanding collection of clinical texts in English and also Bulgarian. Pleven is highly considered among the very...